St Augustine’s Mossman Uniform Policy
The Uniform Shop is open at the front office during school office hours from 8.00am to 3.30pm. Enquiries can be made during these times by phoning (07) 4099 7500 or email
The school uniform MUST be worn at all times. We realise that there will be occasions when this is not possible. When this occurs, a note of explanation should be forwarded to the child’s teacher. Uniforms are only available from the School Uniform Shop. Payment by cash or EFTPOS is required at time of purchase.
Everyday School Uniform
- Prep to Year 5 students – navy and teal polo shirt with the school logo
- Year 6 students – wear their Senior polo shirt
- ALL Black leather or sport (not canvas) shoes (no white/colour trims) and white crew socks (to be worn at all times)
- Navy school shorts or skorts embroidered with school name
- Navy SCHOOL jumpers ONLY (to be worn in Winter when cold)
- In Term 2 & Term 3 students may wear a plain navy blue or plain black tracksuit pants/leggings on days when the temperature is cool.
Sports Uniform
- St Augustine’s navy shorts or skort and House sports shirt
- Black cross trainer sport shoes with white crew socks
House Sports Shirts
Mercy (White), Merinda (Red), Mackillop (Green)
Footwear & Socks
Families have two options for footwear.
The first option is to have black leather shoes for everyday wear, and a sports shoe for sports days. Alternatively, families may purchase one pair of ALL black cross trainers which are suitable for both uniforms.
Black leather school shoes give the young developing foot support, but an ALL black cross trainer runner will also be acceptable. Parents are respectfully reminded the jogger or runner (if this option is selected), should be entirely black and not be multi-coloured or have any white or coloured soles, shoe laces or logos.
White crew socks (not knee high) socks are to be worn each day. The socks should be visible above the shoes.
Students are expected to wear the school hat at all times when outside. We cannot over-emphasise the importance of students wearing hats to prevent damage from the ultra-violet rays of the sun. No school hat will result in no play and/or exclusion from outdoor activities. School hats are available for purchase at the Uniform Shop in two designs.
Sleepers or plain stud (no larger than 5mm) in each ear only. Chains and rings should be kept at home and not worn to school. These items present safety concerns and place a child at risk of serious injury in the school yard. A simple chain with a religious symbol may be worn underneath the school uniform.
Simple wrist watches are permitted. Smart watches with internet access are not permitted as they allow internet access which cannot be monitored by school staff.
Hair and Make Up
Hair should be neatly cut and maintained.
If your child’s hair touches his/her collar you are required to have it tied back or plaited. This will discourage head lice and is a practice recommended by Queensland Health.
Only navy or teal hair accessories are to be worn with the school uniform. House colours hair accessories may be worn with the sports uniform. Hair accessories in the school colours are available for purchase from the Uniform Shop.
Make up, hair dye, acrylic nails and nail polish are not permitted.