Excursions & School Camps
Excursions and School Camps are important learning and socialising experiences and are part of the school program.
Class teachers advise parents when an excursion or school camp is being planned, explaining the nature of the activities, the time and venue involved, the materials required, transport arrangements, costs and clothing requirements. As these learning experiences are integrated into and therefore part of the school program, children who are prevented from attending can be seriously disadvantaged and this can be reflected in school results and in relationships. It is therefore strongly encouraged that all children participate.
Both excursions and camps have an enhancement component in the students’ learning and teachers’ curriculum planning. Risk management and alignment with school curriculum is approved by the Principal prior to activities and records of these events are also submitted to the Catholic Education Services office.
Other programs
- Year 6 Leadership program
- Buddies program – Prep and Year 6 students buddy together
- Students support the Mother’s Day Morning Tea, hosting morning tea for the mothers, grandmothers and parishioners of St Augustine’s
- Instrumental music and choir program
- Children represent the school in Rugby League, Rugby Union, AFL, cross country, athletics, swimming and Netball
- Visiting sporting clinics – Auskick, Walla rugby, golf, hockey and basketball
- Participation in educational programs that include the Year 6 school camp
- Curriculum related excursions are encouraged in each year level
- Participation in global Initiatives to promote the Spirit of Mercy and Justice – Project Compassion, Make Poverty History, Catholic Mission Day
- Encouragement of participation in the annual Mossman Show Cultural Competitions – cooking, flower design, patchwork quilt making
- Walk to School safety program
- Bravehearts program and Daniel Morcombe Student Protection School Visits
- Arts Council presentations
- Catholic Education Week
- NAIDOC week community march
- Anzac Day March
Physical Education, Sport and Swimming
Organised games are a regular and important part of our school curriculum and every child is encouraged to participate in school sports. The School takes part in the Mossman and District School’s Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Students also participate in sport trials for selection in Mossman and District representative teams. We confidently anticipate your support in encouraging your children to take part as the opportunities arise.
We have a Physical Education specialist teacher.